
Pełna wersja: Ankieta do szkoły
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Witam, do szkoły muszę zrobić małą ankietę... Mogli moglibyście odpisać na poniższe pytania (po ang)? :)

Do you go to the cinema?
Do you prefer to see movies in cinema or at home?
How often you going to the cinema?
Do you watch films online?
What are your favourite moives?
What is your the best film you ever seen?

Z góry dzięki
1. No, Im too busy to go to the cinema and there is also too loud form me.
2. At home because I like peace, I could focus then.
3. Never, I wrote that I'm too busy for that.
4. No, I prefer to buy them and download from the web in good quality.
5. I love The Dark Knight trillogy and all Quentin's Tarantino movies. I haven't a favorite movie genre.
6. I've seen so many good movies, that I just can't decide.

You owe me a beer. ;)