
Pełna wersja: Angielski-rozprawka
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Mam do napisania rozprawke :
"Internet dobrym sposobem na zawieranie nowych znajomosci.Za i przeciw"
Bardzo przydalaby sie pomoc. W ostatecznosci bylabym wdzieczna za same argumenty za i przeciw, ewentualnie w jezyku polskim.
Z gory wielkie dzieki ;)


Internet is a great invention, which gives us a lot of various opportunities. Making friendships with others world wide web users is one of them.

In the first place, internet is a place, where many people are eaisly aproachable. You search the proper chat or forum and find a person with similar hobbys. Moreover, at any time you want, you can turn on a computer and talk with your acquaintances.
Nowadays very popular are dating portals. In a simple way you can find a ideal partner with all qualities you appreciate.

However I see some disadvantages too. Anonymity which assures us internet may be dangerous. Person which seems to be nice and sensitive can truely be for example a devaint. Besides, internet communication is only virtual. Real contact is farly more enjoable. Usualy you don't see and hear other person, there is only a insipid(bezplciowy) text with information. In my opinion eye contact, body language, tone of voice is very important thing, which internet can't fortunately assure.

Taking into consideration all arguments, I think that internet is worse than real meeting way of making new contacts.

Wpisałem w google i takie coś mi wyskoczyło. Link do strony Jeśli nie chcesz gotowca to postaram się później coś naskrobać samemu ale nic nie obiecuje;)