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Cytat:Hello friend,

I want to trust you with this confidential proposal. Before I continue, let me introduce myself to you, I am Gen. John W. Nicholson, Jr. I am the commander of Resolute Support Mission and U.S. Forces Afghanistan (USFOR-A) in collaboration with the Special N.A.T.O coalition force with the United Nation troops in Afghanistan, on war against terrorism. I took over command from General Campbell on March 2, 2016. I was commissioned into the infantry in 1982 upon graduation from the United States Military Academy at West Point. I hold a bachelor's degree in history from Georgetown University, a Bachelor of Science degree from West Point, a master's degree in Military Art and Science from the School for Advanced Military Studies at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and a master's degree in National Security Studies from the National Defence University.

Base on series of killing on United States and other countries troops in Afghanistan especially the shot down of UN war craft that killed Several American and English soldiers on the 19th April 2016 and the sixteen American soldiers who were killed by a bomb blast on Last week Tuesday's bombing that happened during the morning rush hour in Pul-e-Mahmud, a busy neighbourhood where homes, mosques, schools and businesses nestle close to the Ministry of Defence, other ministries and military compounds. After this series of killing I and my colleague decided to share the money we recovered on our raids on al-Qaeda (terrorist) camps in Afghanistan. I have now in my possession the sum of $16M (Sixteen million US Dollars) as my share.

I have carefully packaged the money in a box, I have made contact with a friend who is working with the UNITED NATIONS RED CROSS here in Kabul. He will assist me move the consignment out of the trouble area down to your country, which is the only safer means of moving it out of this hell hole, he will deposit it with the United Nations Red Cross as a  diplomatic luggage as I have told him that the luggage belongs to one of our soldier that died during the attack but before giving up he told me to make sure the luggage get to his family. He will deposit the consignment for safe keep and to make contacts for its proper use.

So I need someone I can work with on trust and that is why I contacted you. So if you accept, I will put you forward as the beneficiary/owner of the funds and then the box shall be deposited on your name as the beneficiary and the Red Cross Agent will transfer the box to you anywhere in your city. I just need your acceptance and all is done. I have 100% assurance that you will surely receive the box without any hitch through United Nations, every arrangement will be made to proceed to your country.

Once I confirm your interest to my proposal, and your positive reply I will proceed with the arrangement to move the consignment out of the trouble area and register your name as the beneficiary then move the consignment to your country. I am willing to give you 30% of the total sum when the money is delivered to you. I wait for your response so we can proceed immediately. In less than 7days the money should be in your safe custody.

The only telephone access we have here is radio message which is for our general use and is being monitored, therefore all communication will be via email till we finish our assignment. Please keep it to your self even if you are not interested, thank God for President Barrack Obama whose keen interest is to call us back home soon.

Yours Serving Friend
Gen. John W. Nicholson, Jr.

Nie wiem, czy potraficie czytać po angielski, ale skracając tego maila, jakiś oszust podający się za generała, chce Wam wysłać 16 mln $, by przechować kasiorkę, a potem ją odebrać i oferuje w zamian 30% tej kwoty. Oczywiście jest tam zawarta głębsza historia, gdyż ktoś się namęczył by to wymyślić i jak się to czyta, to naprawdę można się pośmiać z głupoty. Nie wiem, czy to usiłowanie przechwycenia aktywnego maila do spamu, próba wyłudzania pieniędzy od Was na koszty tej "tajnej" operacji, czy wyprania brudnego hajsu, ale podziwiam twórczość. Haha

Wrzucajcie śmieci godne uśmiechu. :)
Cytat:FedEX International Benin
Lot No. 23 Patte D'Oie 03
BP 2147 Cotonou, Benin Republic.


Your package worth the total sum of $10.5Million United State Dollar in an consignment box is here in our office.It was deposited to this office by the United Nations {HEAD CONSULTANT} saying that it was won by your email address in their ongoing online random selection Compensation scheme 2017 in association with the International Corporation Benin Republic OIL&GAS LTD.

What you have to do now is to contact our delivery department with your information and as soon as we confirm your details our delivery team will commence with the delivery of your package to your designated address immediately.

You would required to submit information bellow:

Your Full Name:
Your Home address where the consignment box will be delivered:
Your Phone Number:
Your Occupation:
Your Nearest Airport:
Your Country:

We shall proceed on your delivery as soon as we confirm your information, I also wish to inform you that you will be taking the responsible of the delivery charges being $125usd only.

NOTE THAT; you are to contact our Head Dispatch Officer Dr. Maxwell Booker with all this information to avoid wrong delivery thanks.

Await your prompt positive response.

Dr. Maxwell Booker {Head Dispatch Officer}
Please don,t forget to reply to this email.
Email: [email protected]
Tel + 229 604 554 46

Cytat:Dear Email Owner.

I won $758.7Million Powerball Lottery in last year, I am doing a lot of charity works worldwide, so i decided to give $950,000 USD each to 5 lucky people worldwide, Your email was selected from a date of internet E-mail users which your ID came out as one of my lucky participants, Please confirm if you are still using your email address by getting back to me with your details. Please do send details below..

Your name:




Phone No:

Congratulations & Happy New Year.
Cytat: Federal Bureau of Investigation
Intelligence Field Unit Dallas Fortworth
International Airport, Texas.


I am Assistant Special Agent Incharge Eric Jackson from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Intelligence Field Unit, we Intercepted two consignment boxes at Dallas Fortworth International Airport, Texas, the boxes were scanned but found out that it contained large sum of money and also some backup documents which bears your name as the Beneficiary/Receiver of the money, Investigation carried out on the diplomat that accompanied the boxes into the United States, said that he was to deliver the fund to your residence as overdue payment owed to you by the Federal Government of Nigeria through the security company in the United Kingdom.

Meanwhile, we cross check all legal documents in the boxes but we found out that your consignment was lacking an important document and we cannot release the boxes to the diplomat until the document is found, right now we have no other choice than to confiscated your consignment.

According to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) in Title 26 also contain reporting requirement on a Form 8300, Report of Cash Payment Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or Business, money laundering activity may violate 18 USC 1956, 18 USC 1957, 18 USC 1960, and provision of Title 31, and 26 USC 6050I of the United States Code (USC), this section will discuss only those money laundering and currency violation under the jurisdiction of IRS, your consignment lacks proof of ownership certificate from the joint team of IRS and IRC, therefore you need to reply back immediately for direction on how to procure this certificate to enable us relieved the charge of evading the law on you, which is a punishable offense in the United States.

You are required to reply back within 72hours for normalization and release of your consignment boxes for onward delivery to your address, also you are instructed to desist from further contact with any bank(s) or person(s) in Nigeria or the United kingdom or any part of the world regarding your payment because your consignment has been confiscated by the Federal Bureau here in the United States.

Yours In Service,
Agent Eric Jackson,
Assistant Special Agent Incharge
FBI- Dallas Area Division.

Masz farta do tych spamów! Haha
To ja się pochwalę mailami jakie dostaję na maila w firmie. W sumie codziennie mam przynajmniej jednego maila z tego typu ofertą... chyba muszę porozmawiać z poprzednimi grafikami :D

Wielokrotne szczytowanie i silniejsze orgazmy!

Najskuteczniejszy środek! Silny i długi orgazm!
Wypróbuj booster potencji, który w 10 minut sprawi, że Twoja
męskość będzie większa i twardsza! Spotęguj jej doznania i
zapewnij niezapomniany seks!
TEN produkt sprawi, że będzie prosiła o więcej! ❤ dłuższy stosunek
❤ 100% kontroli nad wytryskiem
❤ większe i twardsze przyrodzenie

Dr. Penigreat jest skuteczny nawet po alkoholu!


I am sure this mail would be coming to you as a surprise since we have never met before and you would also be asking why I have decided to chose you amongst the numerous internet users in the world. I saw your profile on the Internet, which has made me accomplish my request.

I am Mrs. Caroline Freund, the bill and exchange manager of Cahoot Finance UK. In my department, I discovered an abandoned sum of USD 8,000,000.00. (Eight Million USD), on account of our foreign customers (MR Paul Louis Halley) who died along with his wife in 2003 in a plane crash.

This dead client late Paul Louis Halley has the sum of $ 8,000,000.00 in his bank account with my bank since 2003 until today.

After going through the late Paul Louis Halley file in the bank, I discovered that he did not have next of kin or the account beneficiary in his account opening documents.

Therefore I now sincerely and consciously seek your consent to present your data as the next of kin / Will Beneficiary to the deceased so that the total value of $ 8,000,000 will be transferred to you, which will be shared with this percentage ratio of 60 % to me and 40% to you.

According to our Banking Act of 1990, if the money is unclaimed after a period of Fourteen (14) years, it will be a government property. Therefore, I have planned to upload your data in our banking system as a Next of Kin of the late Mr. Halley because I have tried my best to locate any of his family members but all such efforts were not successful.

I check this account for over 7-8 years and no one has ever come forward to claim the fund. But I've found that (Late Mr. Paul Louis Halley) has no next of kin or the account beneficiary before he died. So, after going through his file in our bank. I sincerely and consciously seek your consent to present your data as the next of kin / Will Beneficiary to this account, so that the total value of USD 8,000,000.00, would be transferred to any bank account of your choice for our mutual benefit. I'm going to share the money in the ratio of 60% to me and 40% to you.

For more information; I want you to please contact me as soon as possible by your reply to my e-mail.

When you contact me, I will give you more information.

Mrs. Caroline

Cytat:Attention Dear

I have deposited your funds today with (UBA) Bank Office and we agreed up that the Delivery of your Atm Card Worth of $1,2.000.00 USD compensation fund will take off once their hear from you.So contact (UBA Bank) office with your full info:

(1) Full names:------------
(2) Phone line:-------------
(3) Country of origin:-----
(4) Age:---------------
(5) Occupation:-------------
(6) Home address:-----------
(7) Your State--------------

Contact Mr.Felix Maxwell Bin
Email: ([email protected])
Phone number +234 8181142440

Ja to mam szczęście, wszyscy chcą się dzielić ze mną hajsem. :D
W poszukiwaniu słupa c.d.

Cytat: Hello Dear

My name is Engr. Ping Huang, I am a citizen of Australia, a business man
specialized in oil and gas; but now I am critically sick with esophageal cancer
which has damaged almost all the cells in my body system.

My late wife died in an accident with our two daughters few years ago leaving
me with our only son whom is just 11 years old, and he is my most concern now
as he is still a child and does not know anything about live and has nobody to
take care of him if I died; because I and my late wife does not have any
relatives, we both grew up in the orphanage home and got married under
orphanage as orphans. So if I die now my innocent child would be left alone in
this wicked world and I do not wish to send him to any orphanage home, I want
him to grow up in the hands of an individual, not orphanage.

Please, I am begging you in the name of God to sincerely accept my proposal;
let me instruct my bank to wire transfer my fund worth the sum of US$
10,000,000.00 (TEN MILLION DOLLARS) to your account immediately, then you will
take my son to your home and raise him as your own son.

As soon as the fund is transferred to your own bank account, you shall take 30%
of the total amount transferred to your account as my representative and the
trustee of my son, and use 70% for the up keep of my little son.

Please reply immediately with your full data if you agree to help me, so that
we can arrange for the transfer of the fund to your own bank account before
anything happens to me, because I will undergo surgery by next week, and I do
not know what will be the result of the surgery as the doctor has told me
already that I may not survive.

Please i wait to hear from you now, it's a matter of urgency.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Ping Huang
Kurde, jak Ty to robisz, że dostajesz takie fantastyczne wiadomości? :D
Mam podpiętą pod gmaila, z którego już rzadko korzystam naszą skrzynkę z forum, a ta jest publiczna, więc leci sporo spamu. Czasami przeglądam folder spamu w poszukiwaniu takich perełek.

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