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Plik jest chwilowo niedostępny
Hi, I am not polish native so writing in english. I would be very thankful for any advice - I have strange problem on Chomikuj. When I want download my older files, I get this message:

"Plik jest chwilowo niedostępny Transfer nie został zliczony." File is temporarily unavailable The transfer was not counted

It seems problem occurs randomly but mostly for files uploaded some time ago (2016 and older), newer files from 2017 are available.

Have someone ever experienced something like that?


I also had this problem. You can write to the customer service asking about these files. There is a chance that the files will be available again.

(27.05.2017, 23:54)Robotox napisał(a): I also had this problem. You can write to the customer service asking about these files. There is a chance that the files will be available again.

 Thank you, yes, I wrote to customer service, and today morning it seems that some older file are again available, but some still not, as if they started gradually restoring their servers, so I'll wait and hope all files will be OK. 

But now I have doubts about Chomikuj reliability... I have been using Chomikuj since 2011 and I had a good experience until this actual problems.  Have you ever lost some files forever? Yes, I have backup, but not for some eldest files from my begining on Chomikuj and it looks, that as soon as they will be restored, I should download them as soon as possible. Hm...
Also I had it and it was random but in a few moments or hours it was ok to try it again sometime Greetings
(28.05.2017, 11:04)perla86 napisał(a): Also I had it and it was random but in a few moments or hours it was ok to try it again sometime Greetings

Thnx... and what actually causes this behavior? Is there some official explanation from Chomikuj admin?
So it looks some of my old files are lost forever[Obrazek: smutek.gif] Just recieved this reply from Chomikuj admin:

"unfortunately, the files were on a corrupted server. We will try to regain it, 
but there is a possibility that it will be impossible.
If the files will not be available in a week, this means that their recovery 
has failed."
I had the same problem with my game save files a few years ago. They don't do backup of the files on another server so there is no possibility to get back corrupted data files. The only reasonable place to keep your data is cloud like OneDrive or GoogleDrive.
Yes, I have own backup, but not for some old files from my beginning on Chomikuj, so they are lost forever.

I was googling... and it seems there are/were at least another three similar cloud/sotarge services like Chomikuj using the same script and desktop soft client.


Lolabits and Toutbox were canceled, only Chomikuj and Minhateca remain... there are no updates on web layout and functions... and now this corrupted server... so doubts and questions arises about reliability and future of these free unlimited cloud services.

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